About The Project Picture (Last Meeting on Reunion Island - November 2021)
Presentation of The Project in Portugal
Students and staff will visit the Portugese partner school to share the outcomes of their research into the pollution of oceans SDG task set in Melilla and any actions resulting from their research. This will be in the form of presentations or videos and possibly debates. Sharing of outcomes will challenge stereotypes of country issues. Tasks that were agreed in Melilla for each meeting will also be presented /shared during the visit. There will be opportunities to discuss the next school based project activities and any matters arising from partner schools. Students and staff will take part in various workshops/lectures and visits to places of interest relevant to the oceans theme. Valuable time will be set aside to explore teaching and learning styles with colleagues at the Portugese school through lesson observation and pedagogical discussions. This will also be a valuable opportunity to discuss and refine the evaluation process for the project.
Preliminary program for the Meeting in Portugal will include the following events (consult the events page).
High School Sá de Miranda